Leeds/ Cleckheaton Community


The main focus with this branch of physiotherapy was to increase each patient's/ client's quality of life as much as possible by promoting upmost independence. As a result each patient received individualised and specific exercises to improve strength and flexibility, whilst reducing pain.

In addition to an extensive house assessment, with or without a fellow Occupational Therapist, patients/ clients were measured, assessed and prescribed with a walking aid to assist with a reciprocal gait pattern.

Chair, bed, toilet and stairs assessments were conducted indoors to ensure each patient's/ client's safety, and education regarding easier ways of transferring was offered. Regarding outdoor mobility, car transfers were performed by the patient/ client. This was done to clarify if a patient/ client was safe to travel independently, and not have to rely on help from family, friends, or using public transport if this is not their norm.

Prudames Physio Ltd. | Progress is a slow Process
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