Home Exercise Programmes via Skype


Due to the Covid- 19 pandemic, I realised there was a gap in the market due to sporting venues being closed indefinitely. As I have already had previous experience using online methods such as zoom with the "THRIVE" project, I decided to offer virtual sessions, allowing for me to accurately prescribe home exercise programmes (HEPs). 

All programmes were discussed thoroughly, with each patient/ client directing me on what exercises would benefit them the most, whether this be health related e.g. strength or flexibility; or skill related e.g. balance or co- ordination. This allowed me to ensure programmes were individually tailored to all abilities allowing for sustainable progression whilst minimalising the chance of injury.

Although the sessions were conducted virtually, I was still able to demonstrate exercises by adjusting my camera angle to allow for visual cues rather than just verbal cues. This is also extremely beneficial as I was able to ask patients/ clients to reperform the exercises, to ensure the correct technique was being maintained throughout.

The write up of the HEPs themselves were completed during a session so all my patients/ clients understood the name of each exercise. Finally, if a patient/ client requested their own version of their HEP, I would E- mail an exact copy across. This allowed patients/ clients to rename exercises if they chose to, or if a patient/ client progressed/ regressed at a quicker rate they could increase/ decrease the amount of reps, sets, duration etc of a chosen exercise and write this down for reference.

Prudames Physio Ltd. | Progress is a slow Process
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