"How long will each consultation be?"
- Your initial consultation will last for 60 minutes.
- Any follow up appointments will last either 30 or 60 minutes, depending on what I would advise and what you would prefer.
"How much does each appointment cost and how do I pay?"
- Prices for sessions can vary, depending on the outcome of each consultation.
- Prices will be discussed with you during your consultation and can be subject to change.
- Payments can be made via cash, cheque or bank transfer.
"What do I do if I need to cancel my appointment?"
- Please make contact with me via Mobile or E- Mail no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment (consult the "CONTACT ME" tab).
- Failure to do so will result in you still being charged in full for your missed appointment.
"How many appointments will I have?"
- I will advise you on when you are approaching to be safe for discharge, but you will only be discharged if both you and I are both completely satisfied for your treatment to be terminated.
- Alternatively, on going treatments can be offered.
"What should I wear?"
- Clothing should be flexible and easy to remove e.g. t- shirts, shorts/ leggings etc.
- Accessibility to uncovered body parts.
- If there are any uncertainties about what to wear, please contact me prior to your assessment.